蟾蜍的系统分类学地位 要求到 目、科、属 且附英文解释!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/23 14:14:11


Toads are distributed throughout the country. From late spring to late autumn, during the day and more hidden in the bushes and between crops, or in the residential and the dry land around the stones, the soil hole, often in the street at dusk, feeding on the lawn crawling. Slow action clumsy, not good at jumping, swimming, can only be used to crawl to crawl.
ANURA toad is, the general term for toad species. The most common toad is a toad, commonly known as a toad. Rough skin, the back covered with large and small lumps, which is the sebaceous glands. The largest is located in a top of the ear drum cephalic glands later. These white venom gland secretion is to produce the raw materials Chansu. Generally refers to toad toad toad Section 300, which belonged to an 26. Mainly distributed in addition to Australia, Madagascar States, French Polynesia and the world outside the polar regions.
During the day, the number of toad