
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/02 16:35:02
我是个34的小街霸 请教一下高手 我看了好多视频 街霸pk时上钩后会连续的撞击敌人 让敌人在空中持续好缓和技能冷却时间、但本人试过好多次 只能第一次把敌人撞飞后就连不上第二次了 原因时什么我也不清楚 因此请教一下格斗高手们


you need the speed of attack and moving. and the level 10 skill for keeping them in the air.
when you are fighting,press forward forward X forward forward X then Z, do this for lots of times,then followed by your combo.
your level is too low to do it, you gotta improve your level first and get some stuff to make your speed faster.
you can watch some video from Korea, that might help you to learn something.
I hope you can get it and understand what I said, my english is not good, I just wanna help you to solve your problem.

There is no Chinese typing at our school, I am sorry that I just can type English.


