
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/02 21:17:14

A 2007夏整理
1. The lack of rain aggravated (-make a problem worse) the already serious lack of food.
2. There has been an alarming (- very worrying) increase in violent crime. 暴力犯罪在惊人地增长。 (at an alarming rate)
3. He made several allusions 提及, 暗示to my dismal failure. (allude to…-v.[fml] speaking of sth in an indirect way; allusion n. make (no) allusion to…;同refer, reference)
4. I have an ambivalent attitude toward joining in SOMA. (ambivalence n.矛盾心理)
5. An accident was only averted (-prevent sth unpleasant from happening) by her quick thinking. 他思维敏捷,才避免了一起事故。
6. He ascribes his success to skill and hard work. (ascribe sth to sth把某物归因于…)
7. 1) The police were assailed (-attack [fml]) with rocks. 受到石块攻击。