
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/24 16:17:34
我是要背诵的,不要记叙的文。立志 母爱生活成功,等都可以。要150到300个单词最好,我是高3学生,不要等级太高的。我是背的,你给个1000多的文章。累死我啊。要精品!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!我目前背过 热爱生活 真正的高贵 成功之所在 。 发这3个都就别发了。要带汉语意思的

A good heart to lean on

When snow or ice was on the ground, it was impossible for him to walk, even with help. At such times my sisters or I would pull him through the streets of Brooklyn, NY, on a child's sleigh to the subway entrance. Once there, he would cling to the handrail until he reached the lower steps that the warmer tunnel air kept ice-free. In Manhattan the subway station was the basement of his office building, and he would not have to go outside again until we met him in Brooklyn' on his way home.

When I think of it now, I marvel at how much courage it must have taken for a grown man to subject himself to such indignity and stress. And at how he did it -- without bitterness or complaint .

He never talked about himself as an object of pity, nor did he show any envy of the more fortunate or able. What he looked for in others was a "good heart", and if he found one, the owner was good enough for him.

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