
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/03 07:52:31
1 、未成年的学生正是需要培养亲情的关键时刻,他们在成长中需要得到大人的关爱,有了爱心才会有责任心。如果此时远离亲人,亲情疏远,孩子容易变得冷漠。
2、 中学生还处于生长发育的关键期,其道德观念、价值观念还没有完全稳固地建立,虽然他们已经开始有自己的想法,但总体来说心智还不太成熟。一下子来到陌生的环境,如果孩子没有很强的自我约束力,又缺乏家长的监管和及时指导,就很容易陷入迷茫,处于“失控”状态,很容易受外界不良影响诱导变坏。
3、 一些家长容易出现这样的想法:只要把孩子送出国,让他受点儿挫折,就能很快长大、独立。实际上,锻炼独立能力有许多种方法,比如可以去寄宿学校,出国不是唯一途径。事实上他们当中的一些人根本就没有生活自理的能力,留学还要家长去当陪读,

你太懒了, 机译一下再整理就行。
1, a minor is necessary to develop the students critical moment of affection, they grow up with adults in need of care, with love will have a sense of responsibility. If the time away from loved ones, family estrangement, the children tend to become indifferent.
2, secondary school students still in the critical period of growth and development, and its moral values, values not yet firmly established, although they have begun to have their own ideas, but also the whole mind is not mature enough.All of a sudden came to an unfamiliar environment, if the child is not very strong self-binding, lack of parental supervision and guidance in time is apt to become confused, in the "out of control" state, it is vulnerable to the adverse effects induced by deterioration of the outside world.
3, some parents think so easy: just send their children to go abroad, let him by some setbacks, will be able to grow up very quickly, independent. In fact, the abi