
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/25 11:26:57

The definition of marine
Thus the salt waters, located in the great basin surface. An area of about 362 million square km (140 million sq. miles), about 70.9 percent of the Earth's surface. Contains marine 1,350,000,000 million cubic kilometers of water, accounting for the total amount of water on Earth's 97.5%. Global ocean is generally divided into several smaller oceans and the sea.The four major oceans of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Ocean, the Arctic Ocean (with the fifth ocean scientists added that the waters near Antarctica), the majority of land and submarine topography in line for the community. Fourth, in the ocean waters around the Antarctic continent that is the Antarctic Sea (also known as the Southern Ocean south of the sea 〔〕) connected large. Traditionally, the Antarctic Ocean has been divided into three parts, under the three oceans. Antarctic Ocean will be included in the corresponding part of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans, respectively,