
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/21 21:24:07

State-owned commercial banks as the main body of China's financial sector component of its ability to prevent risks directly related to the operation of the banking system in our country's security. State-owned commercial banks to strengthen their anti-risk ability, in addition to strengthening its supervision and management of external things, their own state-owned commercial banks to establish an effective internal control mechanism will be all the more important.

Being part of our financial industry's main body's constituent, state-owned commercial banks's risk prevention capability is directly related to the safe running of our nation's banking system.Strengthening state-owned commercial banks' risk resistence capability,besides toughening their external supervision management,what appears to be even more important is that state-owned commercial banks themselves should establish an efficient internal control system

State-owned commercial B