
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/21 19:12:35
三十磨一剑;雄关漫道真如铁,如今迈步从头越; 忆往昔关山巍峨,看今朝盛世兴业;公司映像;浩荡沐春风;气吞山河,志在无疆;逐鹿遍四海


Thirty grind one sword; The impregnable pass overflows to exceed from the beginning if Dao Zhen county determining , taking a step now; Recall Guan Shan looks at flourishing age today in former times loftily, encouraging a job; Company image; Broad shampoo spring breeze; Full of daring, aspiration on boundless; Fight for supremacy in all over the whole world
