
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 03:44:59

A fire engine raced through the streets to a fire. Its siren was screaming.“Wee-wu,Wee-wu,Wee-wu”
  It was not long before the engine reached the fire.Smoke was pouring out of an apartment building where many people lived.There were flames coming out of the top floor windows.
  The firemen quickly connected their hoses and began pouring water onto the building.
  Then a woman appeared in one of the top floor windows.
  “Help!”she cried.“Help!”
  She had a small baby in her arms.
  “Through the baby down,”one of the firemen called.
  He was a big,strong man with wide shoulders.
  “I don’t dare,”the woman shouted,“you might drop him.”
  The fireman laughed.
  "Don’t worry,”he said,“I won’t drop him.I’m the goalkeeper for the fire depart ment’s soccer team
  The woman looked down at the fireman.She saw his wide shoulders and big hands.
  “All right.”she said.
  She leaned out of the window and dropped the baby.