英语交际运用 有关于看病

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 07:36:59


A:What's the matter with you?

B:Well,i've got a pain in my leg.

A:Which leg?

B:The left one.

A:When did the pain start?

B:Last night when i went to bed.

A:How long did the pain last each time it came?

B:About ten seconds. Each time the pain came,it woke me up and made me sleepless for quite a while .

A:Do you feel the pain now?

B:Yes,it's still there. When i press thie part of my left leg, i can still feel the pain .

A: the pain might have something to do with the nerves. Take these pills three times a day, one pill each time .Come again if they don't stop the pain.
B:Well,thank you anywhere,Doctor.
