求 烧带鱼 的英语作文

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/28 14:39:17
怎么烧带鱼 的英语作文 也就是烧带鱼的步骤 先干什么 后干什么
要用的词语 pot锅 bumer煤气灶 oil油 hairtail带鱼 ginger姜 soysauce酱油

red cooked hairtail

Heat some of the oil in a wok then add chopped fish. Brown the fish pieces (you may need to do this in batches, adding more oil as you go). Be careful because it may spatter a bit.Then add ginger and soysauce to the wok and stir. Bring to a simmer, cover, and turn the heat to low. Simmer for about 10 minutes.Then remove the lid and reduce the sauce. The sauce should be rich and reduced. At the end of the cooking time, add some sugar.Then slice some spring onions on the diagonal into 5cm lengths and sprinkle onto the fish. Then it is done!

Now, dinner time!

注解:bumer-是错字而且是废话, 也没用pot,因为不符合烧带鱼的做法