
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 23:33:48
最近重温了一遍《Titanic》,仍然让人心中有一丝丝的不平静..O(∩_∩)O~,废话不多说,RT! 谢谢了!


You jump 、I jump、这个应该是最经典的吧、

还有、Rose 从救生船跳回 Titanic 的时候、他们说的 、

Jack : You are so stupid 、Why did you do that ? why ?

Rose: You jump I jump 、right ?

Jack : right.

最后分别的时候、 I love u jack、

You're going to die an old...

an old ladywarm in her bed.

Not here. Not this night.

Not like this.

Do you understand me?

I can't feel my body.


Winning that ticket, Rose, was
he best thing that ever happened to me.

It brought me to you...

and I'm thankful for that, Rose.

- I'm thankful.

- You must-- You must--

You must do me this honor--

You must promise me

thatyou'll survive

thatyou won't give up

no matterwhat happens

no matter how hopeless.

Promise me now, Rose