叶子 蔷薇之恋中有一段女声独白,其中提到一部法国电影,似乎是《xx天使》,但没有找到,哪位知道啊?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/16 22:16:42
叶子 是阿桑唱得一首歌,某次听百度音乐盒的的时候,不知道是搜索的哪里的版本,忘记下载过来了,里面插进另外一个女声叙事情节,提到一部法国电影,片中女主角好像叫maria,一个很复杂的女孩,最后被男友抛弃,自杀了。のの,还有没有啊?のの


  Some say love it is a river
  That drowns the tender reed
  Some say love it is a razor
  That leaves your soul to bleed
  Some say love it is a hunger
  An endless aching need
  I say love it is a flower
  And you It‘s only seed
  It‘s the heart afraid of breaking
  That never learns to dance
  It‘s the dream afraid of waking
  That never takes the chance
  It‘s the one who won‘t be taken
  Who cannot seem to give
  And the soul afraid of dying
  That never learns to live
  When the night has been too lonely
  And the road has been too long
  And you think that love is only
  For the lucky and the strong
  Just remember in the winter
  Far beneath the bitter snow
  Lies the seed that with the sun‘s love
  In the spring becom