
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/13 16:08:16
江苏虞山国家森林公园位于历史文化名城常熟市城西北部,“十里青山半入城”,与秀美的尚湖相依,具有山、水、城、园为一体的独特风韵。1989 年 3 月经国家计委和林业部批准为首批国家级森林公园。
虞山国家森林公园有森林面积 1260 多公顷,森林覆盖率达 96%,园内森林景观秀丽幽奇,人文景观史迹丰富。目前已形成辛峰、兴福、三峰、石洞、宝岩、维摩、剑门等 7 个景区,50 多个景点,依山建成的“宝岩生态观光园”以自然、绿色、生态为主题、集观光、休闲、科普为一体,成为了人们亲近自然的好去处,三星级旅游涉外饭店——森林大酒店,气势恢宏、环境幽静,内设住宿、餐饮、保龄球馆等高档娱乐场所,已成为全市旅游接待的最佳场所之一。

Jiangsu yushan national forest park, located in northwestern changshu city historic and cultural city, "li", and the mountains and beautiful shanghu together with hill, water, city, as one of the unique charm. 1989 March and forestry department of the state planning commission approved the first batch of national forest park.
Yushan national forest park, has more than 12.6 forest area, the forest coverage rate hectares of forest landscape, garden 96% with deep historic cultural landscape, rich. Currently has formed XinFeng, hing, three peaks, caves, rock, the gate, area, more than 50 sites, built in the mountain ecological sightseeing park "treasure rocks with nature, green," theme, ecological sightseeing, leisure, popular science as a whole, and become the people close to nature, the good place three-star hotel, forest, the grand hotel, quiet and accommodation, catering, entertainment bowling alleys, etc, and has become the best place of tourism.