
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/15 05:05:21
最好经典一点的,3分钟左右 只要告诉我是第几季第几集时间就行了,另外,请问有没有没有人声的版本,因为我们要参加的是电影配音大赛!

——At least let us take you into town. ( 至少让我们载你到镇上 )
——No. If I'm seen with you it's a lot of trouble for me. ( 不用,要是被人看见跟你们一起,我就麻烦大了 )I can walk. It's only a mile. ( 我可以用走的只有一里远 )
——We never would've made it this far without you. ( 多亏你的帮忙我们才能逃到这里 )
——But now you're crossing the border without me. ( 现在你们要离开我跨越边境了 )
——You can't go where we're going. ( 你不能去我们要去的地方 )It's not a life for you. ( 那种生活不适合你 )
——Then that's it, then. ( 那么就这样了 )It's over for good. ( 我们永别了 )
——Thank you. ( 谢谢你 )Be safe. ( 你要小心点 )
——Good luck. ( 祝你们好运 )
——I loved you, Michael. ( 我爱过你,迈克 )And I thought I was gonna get that back, but you just used me. ( 我以为你也会爱我但是你只是在利用我 )
——- That's not true.(不是这样的)
——I deserve more than this.(你不该这么对我)I deserve more than just being the girl that you call when you need something. ( 我不应该只是你需要帮助时才来找的女孩 )