
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/03 04:48:46
在线等 农业产业化作为农村经济体制改革的重大创新,是农业结构战略性调整的重要带动力量,已成为推动传统农业向现代农业转变,实现农业最大效益的必然选择。但是,当前农业产业化发展仍存在着重生产、轻加工和流通、龙头企业带动力不强,产业基地规模较小,利益机制不完善,市场中介组织和农村合作经济组织较松散等问题,制约着农业产业化健康发展,影响农民增收和农村经济发展。近几年农业产业化发展取得了一定的成果,但是,还存在一些比较突出的问题。在农业产业化发展上,关键要创新服务形式,重点是完善运行机制,才能实现带动产业全面发展的目的。在WTO这一竞争环境下,如何发展农业产业化,提高我国农业的国际竞争力是新时期农业和农村工作的一件全局性、战略性大事。因此,本文阐述了如何通过调整农业结构,培育和壮大龙头企业,大力开展社会化服务,加快农业产业化发展。

Online, such as the industrialization of agriculture in rural economic reform as a major innovation, the strategic adjustment of agricultural structure is an important drive force, has become the promotion of traditional agriculture to modern agriculture changes, to achieve maximum efficiency in agriculture inevitable choice. However, the current development of the agricultural industry is still focused on the production, processing and circulation of light, leading enterprises do not have a strong driving force, the smaller industrial base, the interests of mechanisms are imperfect, the market intermediary organizations, and rural cooperative economic organizations and other issues than the loose, restrict the healthy development of agricultural industrialization, the impact of the farmers income and rural economic development. In recent years, the development of the industrialization of agriculture has achieved some success, but there are still some of the more prominent problem.