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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/25 05:46:29

The establishment of the core 680 acres of demonstration bases
The core of the original 420 acres of demonstration bases for organic tea garden, based on construction standards in accordance with the organic tea garden on 420 acres jebel large organic tea garden around the base of the 260 acres of barren hills, tea plantations田垄steps to carry out reclamation, reclamation, application of basic fertilizer per mu (rapeseed fat ) 250 kg of fine tea to buy 1.17 million (4500 / acre), the completion of planting tea, a new 260 acre core of the model base, and through quality certification center in Hangzhou Zhongnong conversion of organic certification. Total completion of the core 680 acres of demonstration bases for organic tea.