
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/31 20:16:56

their wives(phew!)But he did believe that virgin ravishing,though also driven by the pursuit of sexual pleasure,was morally wrong.
Why?Because for Bentham,moral behavior,like policy decisions,should be guided by the balance of pleasures and pain that all people will experience as a result of a particular action(or policy).People should not pursue their own pleasures regardless of how such pursuits affect other people.Indeed,of all the motives that drive human behavior,"the dictates of good will are the surest of coinciding with those of utility."
Bentham was a political radical,whose moral treatises called for the reform of British society.A lifelong bachelor,he spent his free time organizing political groups and intellectual societies,even founding the University College of London,where,in accordance with his will,his body has been preserved in a glass case with a wax head affixed to his shoulders,so that he can still attend important faculty meetings.(We Ann