要求写一篇“平稳的生活的作文(英文的)” 议论文

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 05:06:05
要求写一篇“平稳的生活的作文(英文的)” 议论文
第一段 引题说说有平稳的生活 和不平稳的生活
第二段 说我喜欢平稳的生活 但有时要一点刺激什么的(其中一定有个例子)
第三段 总结一下

"I don't want to go out in the evening, and I'd rather stay home with my family. "According to a recent Gallup Poli, this is the typical answer when asked "where is your favorite place to spend an evening?"

The Couch Potato phenomenon, a phenomenon of spending an evening on an couch at home, is the result of three increasingly important facts in our life. First, with the popularity of TVs, VCRs(videocassette recorders) and VCDs (Video CDs), it is possible, and convenient, for people to be entertained at home.

A recent survey showed that 51 percent of households in Shanghai with VCRs or VCDs rented at least one videocassette or disc in a month. Associated with this is the high cost of outside-the-home entertainment. For example, a single visit to movies, discos, nightclubs, or concerts will cost the average individual at least one-tenth of his income, a fact that well explains why nearly two-thirds of Chinese still choose the TVs, VCR