
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 22:27:45
由于您妻子的病情需要,我院医生经商量决定于XX日 为您妻子进行宫外孕手术。此手术需要家人签字,术后病人需要家人陪同照料。
为更好地让您妻子康复,现特邀请您于XX 日来到本院。



Dear XXX,
Thanks for your support to our hospital.
Considering the symptom of your wife, our doctor decided to do the operation because of pregnancy outside of matrix. The operation should be approved by families, who will also stay here and take care of her after the surgery.

We sincerely invite you to come to our hospital in order that your wife will recover soon.

Thanks and regards,

Dear Mr.@ ,
First of all,i want to thank you for your support on our hospital.
The experts of our hospital have discussed your wife's illness condition,and we decide to make an extrauterine pregnancy operation. This operation must be confirmed by you,it needs your signature.Your wife should be well looked after when the operation is over.
Considering your wife's speedy recovery,will you please come to our hospital on **?
sincerely yours,