
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/14 05:09:52
何谓之英雄?“所谓英雄,就是做到了自己力所能及的事的人。”罗曼.罗兰如是说。也许英雄就是个那么平凡的人,并非每个都有着惊天动地的壮举,但必定是让人可敬可佩的人。然而许久以来,有个问题都搞不清楚,究竟是时势造就了英雄,亦或是英雄改变了时势? 昔者曹操煮酒论英雄,天下之大,无一人放在眼内,‘惟使君(刘备)与操耳!’而今,“问苍茫大地,谁主沉浮?”,“数风流人物,还看今朝。”正可谓乱世出英雄。而真正得势者,可得守势者又有几人?“秦扫六合,其势何壮哉?”,姑不论秦人之残暴,能平定天下者,英雄也!而秦始皇所以得天下者,惟暴惟武,未曾有丝毫之文治之功,是故二世而亡也!此则“时势造就了秦始皇也”!

你好 翻译如下 古语真难翻译 ~~~~

What is hero means? So called hero,is a person who has ability works and helps other people. "Roman Rolan said.Perhaps hero is a simple person,and does not means the each motion or conversations are effects the people,society or country,but must be a person who admire by people.And then since from ancient that has a question that is the society creates a hero or the hero makes changed the society? In the past that has Cao Chao discussed about hero at the dinner time during when he drank,the sky is wide,no one could compare with a real hero,only one who( Liu Bei) and Cao Chao! And now,"who can answer my question which who can make the unique the country?" "Count the so many heroes that have to look at us." Because of so called the trouble time makes out a hero,but the really got the upper hand, and also available from several defensive? " Dynasty Qin fight the other six countries,Zhuang Ho Weizai their potential? "Re