
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 03:59:55
本系统采用JSP(Java Server Pages)网络编程技术,配合SQL Server (Select query language server)作为后台的数据库,前台操作界面的设计开发主要使用Dreamweaver来完成。整个系统从符合操作简便、界面友好、灵活、实用、安全的要求出发,实现了教师进行查询学生选课信息、上传学生成绩等功能。可以满足基本的教务管理的需要。


The educational administration management is in the university each supervisory work is very important a quite complex work. Along with our country educational system reform's thorough, the student population's unceasing rise, the curriculum unceasingly to the depth and the breadth development, the teaching system gradually by the school year system to the credit system transition, the beforehand educational administration management system management system more and more has also not been able to satisfy the modern university educational administration management the need. The teacher space module, is mainly is open to the teacher, the teacher may realize the examination and the printing chooses functions and so on class name list, input result and printing report card, the goal is hoped that the teacher uses computer's inquiry and the input function, replaces former manual processing, raises the working efficiency and the quality, thus urges the university educational