
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/10 06:38:53
Choose the best answer to the following sentences.
1. On turning the corner, we saw that the road _____ steeply, a surprise to all of us.
A. retreated B. descended C. receded D. seceded
2. Scientists do not know where the bird flu has its ______.
A. nourishment B. modification C. source D. invasion
3. All the children shouted and applauded when the circus performers and animals _____ down Main Street.
A. crept B. stumbled C. paraded D. limped
4. He had drunk a ____ amount of alcohol, and thus didn’t know what happened around him.
A. rough B. powerful C. weighty D. massive
5. She _____ her mother in the way she moves her hands when she talks.
A. assembles B. resembles C. trembles D. scrambles
6. How did English, the language of a small island ______ the coast of Europe, become the language of the planet--- more widely spoken and written any other has ever been?
A. at

A. retreated 撤退,隐退,向后倾 B. descended v. 降,传
C. receded 向后退,退却,减弱 D. seceded

2. C
A. nourishment 滋养品,养料,营养B. modification修正,修饰,修改
C. sourcen. 来源 D. invasion 侵入,侵略

3. C
A. crept(creep) 爬,蔓延 B. stumbled 绊倒
C. paraded 检阅,游行 D. limped 跛行

4. D
A. rough 粗糙的,粗略的,大致的,粗野的,粗暴的 B. powerful 强有力的
C. weighty 重的,有份量的,沉重的 D. massive adj. 巨大的

5. B
A. assembles 聚集,集合,装配 B. resembles 相似,类似,像
C. trembles 战悚,忧虑,微动 D. scrambles 攀缘,搅炒,混杂一起

6. B

A. authority 权力,权威,当局 B. priority 优先
C. sincerity诚实,真实,诚心诚意 D. minority 少数,少数民族

8. B
A. raised 升起,举起,饲养 B. modified 修改,更正,修饰
C. codified 编码 D. lifted 举起

9. A
A. preserving 保护,保持,维持 B. nourishing 滋养,使...健壮,怀有
C. reserving 保留,预订,延期 D. enriching 使富足,使肥沃

A. integrated 整合,使...成整体 B. attributed 归于,属于
C. donated 捐赠