
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/09 10:59:52

My topic is on creating a brilliant Beijing: Time for Action

Facing mountain, you will feel how grand and magnificent it is; Looking towards ocean, you will exclaim in surprise its popple; Looking up to a pine, you will certainly praise how high and vigorous it is; Overlooking small grass, you must eulogize its steadfast and persevering vitality. Yes, that is because there is full of a tenacious Chinese nation’s will throughout thousands years on their body, that is because their body condenses a Chinese nation’s essence throughout thousands years. After thousands of years, the Chinese nation’s crystallization of wisdom is coruscating holily in the world, in a simple and unsophisticated way, in a solemn and stirring way, depending on its unyielding and tenacious ethos, and depending on the national spirit which is indomitable and strives constantly for self-improvement after tribulation.

Dear schoolmates, think that when you extend greetings to the teacher, th