
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 09:26:12
长沙市开福区陈继武菊花石工艺馆位于芙蓉中路一段505号,即南方明珠酒店的左旁和喜来登酒店的斜对面。此公司是浏阳菊花石行业协会会长陈继武手下开的分店,也是行业里面名气规模最大的。 菊花石是湖南浏阳特色产品,也是我们湖南的四大特色之一,是湖南最有名的工艺美术品。 天然菊花石因其资源稀少,开采难度大,其花纹生成于两亿年前故尤为珍稀 1915年在巴拿马万国博览会以‘石头能开花’获得稀世珍宝奖之后便以全球一绝闻名于世界。 陈继武手下的作品,推陈出新 刀工精湛 造型典雅 分格独具 既有写意画的意境又有工笔画的细腻.一直被誉为湖南菊花石的领头人.物深受异界人士的高度评价.许多他手下的作品,多次作为湖南省的省礼送到国外去的 长沙市陈继武菊花石公司其作品纹理清晰,界限分明,神态逼真.玉洁晶莹.蔚为奇观。一直是许多礼品公司的拿货的最佳选择地. 菊花石的价值不仅融艺术性收藏性与观赏性于一体的稀世珍品. 而且古传可镇宅辟邪兴业守财 我们都知道居无石不雅石来运转的道理 菊花石可以放在您的庭院居室装饰台上 也可摆在案桌上 茶几上 而且当您的居室摆有菊然花石时一种清雅 高洁之气自然而生 当企业的接待室 宾馆酒店的大堂 机关学校的会议室大厅摆放几件大型菊花石珍品时 其原始粗犷代表单位的蓬勃神奇 生气 精美有余而无娇贵之气悠然而生 人无我有的世界孤品是有何等的豪情 它是镇宅石与富贵石 用之曾人与受之以礼都是令人行欣慰不己的.

Kai-Fu District, Changsha City chrysanthemum stone陈继武furong Technology Museum is located at a section of Road No. 505, South Pearl and左旁hotel diagonally opposite the Sheraton Hotel. This is the chrysanthemum stone Liuyang Industry Association陈继武opened his store, is also well known inside the industry's largest.Chrysanthemum stone products is a feature of Hunan Liuyang, Hunan is also one of the four characteristics is the most famous Hunan arts and crafts. Chrysanthemum stone because of its natural resources are scarce and difficult mining, the patterns generated in two million years ago, it is particularly rare in Panama in 1915 World Expo to 'rock to bloom' was awarded after rare treasures to the world not known for a community.陈继武his work, get rid of a knife grid points exquisite and elegant style both unique freehand painting and artistic conception of the delicate Painting. Chrysanthemum stone has long been known as the leader in Hunan Province. Were well received by