
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/22 02:47:03
我是英语专业的,专业八级成绩还没有出来(但我觉的过得可能性很小),我想做翻译工作,最好是口译,但是我找了一个月也没有人给我联系去应聘,郑州的人才市场里 这样的工作又很少,大的翻译公司我又不够格 我很是郁闷 我都想进一个翻译公司 我什么都不要 实习一下也可以 有谁给我介绍一个吧 我迫切需要一个实习的平台


象我一样 多看看百度知道 帮别人翻译 自己翻译不好的查查字典 多积累积累就好了


Many years ago, there lived a man named Kuafu Chasing, he subsystems high weight Shen, let alone the effort. Nature is a very big say. At that time personnel from the monkeys did not change over time, it does not shout to the development of civilization, so still resort to use of force. Of course, and what accounts for some cheap, it is easy for people to attach importance to the worship anymore. So naturally feel Niua cattle Kuafu Chasing said. But suddenly one day to close tribal Kuafu Chasing the time, he met the chief's daughter, a floating ah drift mm. She immediately fell in love with music, died of gas recovery depends white people. He likes the pretty nice mm