
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/21 01:18:16
谁能帮我写一篇短篇的英文的爱情小说 大概 500-1000字左右..(可以的话加上中文解释 没有也无所谓!)文章中的人物分"反派"和"正派" 也就是一男一女要在一起有些人故意阻挠只类的....

In the autumn of my last year at college,I got into the habit of studying at the Radcliffe library .I didn't do it just to admire the girls,though I agree I liked that too.The place was quiet,nobody knew me,and there was less demand for the books I needed for my studies.The day before one of my midterm history exams,I still hadn't found time to read the first book on the reading list.(That,of course,is a very common disease at Harvard.) I walked over to the reservations desk to get one of the books which would save me from failing me exam the next day.There were two girls working there.One was a tall,sporty type.The other was the quiet kind,in glasses.I choseher-Middle Four Eyes.

‘Do you have English Society in the Middle Ages?’

She looked at me.It was a sharp,unfriendly look.‘Don't you have your own library at Harvard?’she asked.

‘Listen,Harvard students are allowed to use the Radcliffe library.’

‘I'm not talking about