
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/02 03:37:06

Music is the most adept at the art of emotional expression. Vocal music in our concerts, the "in love with the sound to the sound Regards, extremely rich," art of singing will always be our goal. Vocal music, poetry and performance art of the perfect combination of skills. Good performance must be based on sound scientific skills, rich experience and strong emotional cultural foundation.In this paper, vocal exercises, breathing exercises, response exercises, Articulation methods, practice skills in singing several major aspects are summarized, in every major area in detail and includes specific content and detail.

usic is most is good at expressing the emotion art.But sings in our vocal music, “by the sentiment belt sound, flirts by the sound, to sing in good voice and with feeling” the goal which sings art forever is we pursues.The vocal music is music, the poetry and sings the skill perfect union art.Good sings must establish in the science sound production skillfu