
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/24 14:20:47
近年来,随着我国经济持续高速发展,我国度假旅游也不断深入发展,旅游消费不断增长及旅游观念的日渐成熟,人们经过了初期单纯以观光为目的的发展阶段后,产生了休闲度假这一更高层次的旅游需求。他们渴望身心彻底的放松与休闲。今后旅游业的发展方向必然是度假旅游,直接关注人的内在感受本身,满足人的心理和精神以及多方面发展自我的需要,这就为产权式酒店在我国的兴起和发展提供了奠定了基础。而海滨旅游度假城市舟山, 被誉为千岛之城,背靠着长三角经济圈,旅游业是其重要的产业之一。而且,舟山是亚热带海洋性季风气候,夏无酷暑,冬无严寒,气候宜人,十分适合旅游度假。所以,她对各地的度假游客有着强大的吸引力。



In recent years, continued along with our country economy to develop high speed, our country took vacation the traveling also unceasingly thoroughly to develop, the traveling expended grows and the traveling idea unceasingly is mature day after day, the people passed through the initial period pure take went sightseeing after the goal development phase, has the leisure to take vacation this top level traveling demand. They long for the body and mind thorough relaxation and the leisure. From now on the tourism development direction will be inevitably takes vacation the traveling, will pay attention to person's intrinsic feeling itself directly, will satisfy person's psychology and the spirit as well as develops the self-need variously, this provided for the property right type hotel in our country's sta