
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/26 20:16:57
看!我有一张图片,图片上的小男孩是我的表弟,他今年八岁,是小学二年级的学生,他长着一头乌黑发亮的头发,也有一对小小的眼睛。瞧!他正在津津 有味地看书;对了,我的表弟是一个小书迷,特别爱看书。
记得有一次,我和表弟去公园玩,路过书店,过了一会儿,我猛然发现表弟不见了,其实呢,他正在书店看书呢! 这就是我的表弟,你们喜欢他吗?

hi everybody, I am a student in class 5 grade 4. My eyes are small and clevr, and my ears are big. I like English very much!
look! I have got a photo, the boy on the photo is my cousin. He is 8 years old now. He is a student in grade 2 in primary school. His hair is black and bright, eyes are small too. look at him, he is reading with relish, by the way, he is a bookworm, like reading especially.
one day, I and my cousin was walking in the park. when we were across the bookstore,just a moment,I didn't see him .Actually, he was reading books in bookstore. this is my cousin,do you like him?

嗨,大家好! Dr.eye: Hey, everybody is good! 我是四年级五班的学生,我长着一双小而机灵的眼睛,还有一对特别大的耳朵;我非常喜欢英语。 Dr.eye: I am a student of class five, grade four, I have a pair of small and clever eyes, there is the couple very big ears; I like English very much.
看! Dr.eye: See! 我有一张图片,图片上的小男孩是我的表弟,他今年八岁,是小学二年级的学生,他长着一头乌黑发亮的头发,也有一对小小的眼睛。 Dr.eye: I have a picture, the little boy on the picture is