
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 13:35:35

Evrybody must be familiar with the story: More than a century ago, a poor shepherd came to a hillside with his children. A flock of wild geese flew by, disappeared in the distance. The younger child asked, "where are they going?" The shepherd answered, "A warm place, to settle and to live out the cold winter" The elder child blinked his eyes enviously, "If only I could fly like them!" After a silence, the shepherd said to his children, "You can do that, as long as you want." The children tried but couldn't fly. They were suspecious. However, the shepherd said affirmatively, " You can fly to where you want only with the wings of dreams and unwavering target." The children remembered their father's words and worked hard in the direction of their goal. Later, they really succeeded. Vecause they invented the plane. They are famous Wright brothers. Obviously, you can't succeed without goals or action. You can finally achieve y