
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 19:05:11
本文从三个方面阐述了我国在危机事件中信息公开的相关情况。第一部分讲到了信息公开在公共危机管理中的重要性:信息公开有利于保障公民的知情权,激发公众的参与热情;有利于防止谣言的传播,克服公众的恐慌心理;有利于塑造政府的良好形象,提升政府公信力。第二部分提出了我国公共危机管理中信息公开方面存在的问题:观念的落后影响了政府信息公开;危机管理信息系统不够完善,信息沟通不畅;公开形式的单一限制了政府信息公开;官员问责制度缺失。第三部分是针对问题提出的相应的对策 :改变传统观念,保障公民知情权的实现;贯彻落实《政府信息公开条例》,处理好信息公开与保密的关系;加强政府的危机信息管理系统建设;完善现有的信息公开方式,拓宽危机事件中政府信息公开的渠道;将信息公开纳入官员绩效考核体系;强化信息公开的社会监督。

China has entered a crisis period of high frequency, and occurred in a public crisis continues to reveal new features and development trends. Government and society in China is still in the exploration of the public phase of crisis management, lack of effective measures have yet to build a perfect system. Government information, particularly in open areas there are still many problems.
In this paper, three aspects of the crisis in our country in case of relevant public information. Talked about the first part of information disclosure in the public the importance of crisis management: information disclosure will help protect the citizens right to know, to stimulate enthusiasm for public participation; can help prevent the spread of rumors to overcome panic the public; will help shape the Government's good image and enhance the credibility of the Government. The second part of crisis management of our public information there is an open question: the impact of the concept be