
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/23 06:42:44

姓名__________ 学号___________
I. Fill in the blanks: (3 points for each blank)
1. Columbus discovered the New World in the year of ___1492__.
2. The first permanent settlement in North America was established in _________ in the year of _____.
3. In the year of ____, Thomas Jefferson, assisted by John Adams and Benjamin Franklin, drafted ________________________.
4. In 1803, Louisiana was bought by ____________ from the country of _________.
5. The American Civil War broke out in the year of ______. The two sides fighting with each other were ____________ and ______________.
6. The spontaneous action of one woman, __________________, was believed to be the beginning of the civil rights movement.
7. In the summer of 1963, hundreds of thousands of peaceful demonstrators, marcher to Washington D.C., where _______________ gave the famous ______________ speech.
8. The American social movements of

1 1942
2 Jamestown 1607
3 1776 Declaration of independence
4 united states France
5 1861 the union the confederacy
6 Rosa Parks
7 Martin Luther King I have a dream
8 1 Counterculture/social revolution
2 Anti-war movement
3 Civil rights
4 The rise of feminism
5 Chicano Movement
9 legislative, executive, and judicial.
10 House of Representatives 435 Senate 100
11 Democrat & Republican

The three principle influences of the Puritans came from i) religion, and ii) work, and iii) education where religion was the dominant theme throughout work and education ... in fact, religion pretty much summed up the Puritan existence -and their doctrine of "predestination" keep all Puritans constantly working hard in "this life" so as to be "chosen" for the next (eternal) life.

His expressed views on slavery were seen as more mod