关于次贷危机 高手帮忙翻译

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/26 06:45:43
While they momentarily alleviate the impact of the crisis, the measures taken by the US administration (among them a reduction in interest rates in September and October 2007) are not a solution. In a way the reduction of interest rates alleviates the crisis while dragging it on since it merely postpones deadlines. The real estate crisis has indeed started and its consequences will be felt in the long term. Why? Here are several reasons: 1 The market in mortgage lending in the US represents 10.000 billion dollars (that is, over 72% of the gross domestic product) . The subprime market represents 15 to 20% of this market. Consequently, the crisis of subprime and other segments of the mortgage market can only have severe repercussions. 2 There is real over-production in the US housing industry compared with demand. 3 A great number of building projects are under way. In the months and years ahead hundreds of thousands of new homes will come onto the market. A building firm can hardly aban


1。美国房贷的市场是代表10,000亿美元(即超过72 %的国内生产总值)的价值 。占了次优抵押贷款市场的15至20 %的市场。因此,因为次级抵押贷款和其他部分的抵押贷款危机的作用,市场也因此受到的严重的影响。



4。几年来,有一种倾向,是以“去逛街,买了再说” ,因为业主和股东已经强烈的感觉到(感谢房地产价格的上升及股市的恢复, 2001年的低迷后)他们的资产已经大大的增加了。现在相反的效果正在显现出来:因为股市的不确定的使得房地产的价值暴跌。家庭很可能会作出“少买一点”的反应,这将使得这一次的危机进一步的恶化。

5 。主要银行,养老基金,保险公司和对冲基金在他们的账本里有大量的坏账。自2007年8月起,如花旗集团,摩根士丹利,汇丰银行,美林证券和瑞银一直在努力,尽量减少损失,但其一再的宣称他们不得不承认新的损失,这已经导致了逐渐下降的股票价值,并开除了一些执行干事。其他机构无疑将受到影响。这不是不可能的,金融机构将发现,他们本身的情况也是相似的,正如同上世纪90年代在日本的银行在房地产泡沫破灭时,他们需要大约十五年重新进入黑暗。