
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/22 00:52:11
1、转机 2、问询处 3、换登机牌 4、登机、 5、米饭
6、面条 7、随便 8、你好,我要转机去莫斯科,您能带我去么?

1、转机 a favourable turn;
2、问询处 inquiry desk(office)
3、换登机牌 change a boarding check
4、登机 board
5、米饭 rice
6、面条 needles
7、随便 be free and easy / take it as at home
8、你好,我要转机去莫斯科,您能带我去么? Good ..., I'll make a favourable turn to Moscow. Could you show me there?

1。I want to change the flight to 要去的地方。
2. Information Desk 3. change my Boarding/pass card
4.get on the plane 5. rice 6. noodls
7. as you like 8. Hi / Hello/ Excuse me, Would you like to tell me how to change to Moscow and Could you take me there?
P.S 0086(中国地区)+ 010(北京区位)+ 家里电话=ok