6句中译英:1你不要再跟他抱怨了,这无济于事(do no good)

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 11:46:26
1你不要再跟他抱怨了,这无济于事(do no good)
2你所说的听起来很有理由,但在这一点上我恐怕任然不能苟同(at this point)
不要机器翻译的 好的再加分

1.It does no good to complain of him again.

2.What you say sounds good show of reason,but I am afraid I have reservation at this point.

3.Do you know how the salesman persuaded me to buy their new product?

4.Their company suffered huge losses in last financial crisis.

5.He hesitated for a long time before deciding to work in Tibet.

6.I do remember posting the letter,but I forgot what time the letter mailed.

It does no good for you to keep complaining to him.

What you said sounds reasonable, but I can't agree with you at this point.

Do you know how salesperson persuaded me to by their new product?

Their company suffered great loss during the last economic downturn.

Before making decision to work in Tibet, he hesitated for a long time.

I do remember I have sent the letter, but I forgot when I sent it.

如果你是这位班主任,听了这个学生的抱怨,你怎么跟他解释? 不要总是抱怨好吗 “当你没有利用价值时不要抱怨朋友背叛你;当你有利用价值时更不要抱怨朋友背叛你。”这句话是什么意思呀 不要因为你胃口不好而抱怨你的食物 意思 高分 一个年长的人絮絮叨叨跟你抱怨,你又不想听,又不好意思说?怎么办? 女生们,你们有在抱怨他不够关心你吗? 好朋友总是向你抱怨生活中的一切,而且是过度抱怨,安慰对于他已经没有任何作用,该怎么办呢?? 曾经抛弃过你的男朋友现在回头还要不要跟他在一起? 不要批评、指责或抱怨别人 他跟我说,要是你找了男朋友就好了,那样我就不要担心你去哪里了?