
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/22 23:10:15
1.They're ugly.
2.They're very big and long.
3.They usually make us very hot and uncomfortable.
4.They're very expensive that cost us much money.
5.There's no choice for other clothes,they can't show ourselves.
6.If we don't wear uniforms,teachers will be angry.
7.They aren't suitable for everybody.
8.They aren't useful enough for sports.

Today, school uniforms too rigid, non-fat reflect the vitality of contemporary students, fails to show themselves.
Although some people look good in school uniform, but not for everyone, uniforms are usually very hot and gives us uncomfortable. Custom-made uniforms for the poor families of the RMB is more difficult.
In the flag-raising ceremony, the school students in school uniform to salute the flag, respect the national flag is it? What is more intermediate mixed with a large number of short, hypertrophy, faded and worn-out ... .... I can not feel that a solemn atmosphere, such a scene as "ridiculous" to describe it appropriately. We are not necessary to wear clothes they do not like.

School uniform is not only to facilitate the managem