
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/01 15:57:51
Je suis allée voir pour la première fois en six ans.
Je n'y suis pas allée pour ça, j'amenais seulement Tetti à l'école maternelle.
Bien que ça me passionnait peu, en fin de compte, j'y suis restée trois heures !
Je ne peux pas imaginer que j'aie pu être debout si longtemps ! (Je n'arrive pas à croire que...)



It is nearly a year since IPTV came into my family's life.
Since the first year is the free trial period and TV programmes can be stored for two days, I can appreciate my favourite TV shows at any time instead of waiting in front of the TV set like a couch potato. Thanks to the fast-forward function, I can enjoy a complete TV play without any annoying ads to bother me, which impresses me most. Also, I can save myself from watching unclear TV plays on computer through the Internet, where a lot of time is wasted on downloading programmes. To sum up, it is so convenient for me that it grows on me so that I am not fond of watching online direct seeding programs.
Discontinuous as it is at times, in the free trial period, how can I request so much from the free service? One day, what made me astonished was that, on IPTV, Dad was unexpectedly watching the movie “Red Cliff”, which had been shown to