
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/16 05:52:44

纺织品是我国出口大项,纺织业产销总量和出口总额位居我国各种进出口产品前三甲,我国已成为全球主要纺织品出口加工地区之一,而纺织服装的出口率为50%~60%。人民币升值,从某种意义上讲,意味着中国产品的出口价格竞争力下降,有关研究表明,人民币每升值1%,纺织行业销售利润率将下降2%-6%。如果人民币升值5%-10%,行业利润率下降10%-60%。其中,棉纺织、毛纺织、服装的行业利润率分别下降3.19%、2.27%、6.18%,服装行业因出口依存度最高,故受损程度最大。因此,人民币升值必将对严重依赖国际市场出口的我国纺织业产生重大影响。作为纺织品服装贸易大国,如何面对人民币升值,己成为我们不得不着重思考的问题。本人认为可以考虑如下策略: 一、加快产业结构调整,优化纺织品出口的产品结构。 二、实施“走出去”战略,积极开拓多元化市场。三、积极进行技术研发和创新,培育纺织品出口的自有品牌。四、积极运用金融衍生工具规避人民币汇率升值带来的风险。

Since the end of 2000, the U.S. dollar against the euro depreciated by about 40%, against the Japanese yen also depreciated by nearly 16 percent, making the yuan pegged to the dollar and the world's major currency devaluation in fact, also indirectly, although such an increase of Chinese goods in the international market price advantages, but also exacerbated the country and the world's major trade friction, sparked controversy over the appreciation of the renminbi. July 21, 2005 People's Bank of China announced approval of the State Council, since July 21, 2005 onwards, China began to implement the basis of market supply and demand with reference to a basket of currencies, a managed floating exchange rate system, the yuan against the U.S. dollar appreciation of the exchange rate has been nearly three years in a row 20%. On the current situation, the United States, the European Union and other major countries in the world financial system instability, increased risk of e