t 是什么意思 ?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/22 19:38:54


惕或踢,就是boot player

(US tn) abbr 缩写 = ton(s); tonne(s): 5t (ie tonnes) of wheat per acre 每英亩5英吨小麦.

T, t
/ tiː; ti/ n (pl T's, t's / tiːz; tiz/)
the twentieth letter of the English alphabet 英语字母表的第二十个字母: `Committee' is spelt with two t's. *committee这个字中有两个t.
(idm 习语) dot one's/the i's and cross one's/the t's => dot. to a `T/`tee (infml 口) in every detail; exactly 至每一细节; 精确地; 恰到好处: This new job suits me to a T. 这项新工作对我来说处处称心如意.
# `T-bone n T-shaped bone, esp one in a piece of beefsteak 丁字骨; (尤指)丁字骨牛排.
`T-junction n place where one road or pipe, etc joins another but does not cross it, thus forming the shape of a T 丁字路口; (管道等的)三通管, 丁字接头.
`T-shirt (also tee-shirt) n shirt with short sleeves that has the shape of a T when spread out flat 短袖汗衫.

T, t
/ tiː; ti/ n (pl T's, t's / tiːz; tiz/)
the twentieth letter of the English alphabet