
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/28 14:07:18

As China's economic development into the fast lane, the demand for energy is increasingly urgent that China is a coal as the main source of energy, the coal mine to ensure social stability and rapid economic development in a very important role, it is necessary to ensure that coal the safe operation of mining, mine ventilation system is necessary to ensure the scientific, efficient, and achieve continuous ventilation, stability, high efficiency, so as to create a good environment and security hot-wet production environment. The curriculum design is to consider the long-term planning in Shandong coal production over the next decade, from 2009 to 2018 is divided into three periods: 2011, 2016, 2018, due to focus on coal production to the west the transfer of mining area, so the time to adjust production there will be an increase in mining area west of the coal face of the number of heading face the end of each period to make an evaluation of different options, arrive at different

我应该如何的去学,可以考上美国的商学院 我学的是师范专业,大专毕业一年了,想要报考研究生需要准备什么 我是学金融的 想到美国商学院 如果有奖学金拿的话我应该通过什么考试? 报考美国商学院除了需参加TOEFL和GMAT,还需不需要其他的考试?? 2009年7月本科毕业.学的是音乐专业想要报考公务员!请各位前辈给我点建议! 我申请美国著名商学院的机会大吗? 我想要考一个会计从业资格证,但学的专业与会计专业毫不相关,不知道需要什么条件才能报考? 我是大三的学生,学的是国际贸易,想去美国读商学院研究生,不知道要考些什么试(TOEFL,GRE,GMAT0?)是哪些啊 美国商学院 想要去美国万佛乘学习,如何报考那的大学