
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/03 10:59:34
The high cost of declining prices
Most agricultural commodities have experienced a downward trend in real prices, and the long-term forecasts are not encouraging. According to World Bank estimates for 2015, although real prices of most agricultural commodities are projected to rise above current levels, they would still remain below their mid-1990s peaks.
For some developing countries, the collapse of commodity prices was traumatic, triggering rising rural unemployment and a steep decline in export earnings. Lower income from exports has jeopardized their ability to pay for food imports, particularly in countries where food import bills account for a high share of the GDP.
If prices for the ten most important (in terms of export values) agricultural commodities exported by developing countries had risen in line with inflation since 1980, these exporters would have received around US$112 billion more in 2002 than they actually did. This is more than twice the

