the day you went away 的中文音译

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/25 00:30:12
有点像 SORRY SORRY音译的那种

The day you went away(中英文对照版)


Shades Of Purple

The day U went away-M2M 你离去的那天(窈窕美眉)

Well I wonder could it be ? 是的,我很惊讶,这是真的吗?

When I was dreaming about U baby.当我梦到你时

U were dreaming of me.你也正在做有关我的梦

Call me crazy.你称我疯狂

To still be suffering is stupid after all of this time.在我们之间的事已过去那么长时间仍然在为此伤痛

Call me blind.你说我盲目

And does she love U like I do.她是否会像我那样爱你

Did I lose my love to someone better.是否我将属于我的爱给与她会更好一点

I do,U know I really really do.确实,我真的真的那样爱你

Well hey.是的,

So much I need to say.我多么多么地想告诉你

Been lonely since the day.我是多么的孤独

The day U went away.自从你离去的那天起

So sad but true.那样真实的悲伤

For me there's only U.对我而言只有你

The day U went away.自从你离去的那天起

Been crying since the day.自从你离开的那天起我就一直在哭泣

I remember date & time.我记得日期和时间

September twenty sec