
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/01 04:36:31
can you tell me __over there
A what happened B what happen
he went to his ___
填uncle's family为什么错!??

第一题,can 后的原型动词是tell.本句的正常语序是you can tell me (that) what happened over there. 关于时态的问题,当这个人询问的时候,该发生的事一定是已经发生了,所以happen用过去式,当然如果用what happens也不会错,但B项的happen就不正确了。
第二题,我猜正确答案是uncle's home吧,因为family指的是家人的整体,重点在人,而home则强调家这个地方,重点在地点。

happened is always done in the past
they want to know the past thing.
he went to his uncle's house.

2.应该是He went to his Uncle's.
因为 his uncle's是固定表达。意思是“他叔叔/伯伯家”。再在后面加famialy纯属是画蛇添足!类似的表达有:the smith's 史密斯一家;
一定要区别与用法——》 具体人名+’s+famialy ——》zhoujielun’s family 周杰伦一家

tell me what happened,tell me what is happening, what had happened都可以,what happen就不行了。
he went to his uncle's house/home.

family 是家庭的意思
应该说 uncle's house

为什么什么选 what happened 而不是 what happen 是因为已经发生了 所以是过去式 要用happened what happen 是说现在发生了什么。。,。

can后对应的动词是tell,用的是原形没错,我们可以先写成you can tell me… 这时态是一致的。而整句话的意思是:你能告诉我这里发生了什么事吗?这就是说这件事是已发生过的,所以要