汉译英 人工翻译 语法要正确

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 05:43:18

False news , no true news report are repeatedly forbidden having violated news authenticity principle without cease, gravely, the public who has damaged news media's has believed a force , has hindered news cause health from developing , already has become once big social effects of pollution of press circles. That cut-throat competition , the network boundary enter and formation of news employee waits for a factor to that the deviating from , medium that Marxism news observes, is the cause that false news produces. Reinforcing the medium formulating essential rules and regulations is to resolve this crux of the matter , improving people's supervision by public opinion consciousness and ability is to resolve this effective problem means , reinforce checking a medium's supervising measure being the guarantee resolving this problem's, this process requires that entire society makes joint efforts ability gets good effect.