初中英语作文两篇 急急急!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 00:53:23
第一篇:写对于 Sports Change My Life 的想法
提示:1.过去,没有时间锻炼,经常感到疲劳 2.现在:每个学生每
天 运动一个小时 3.变化,精力更充沛,学习有了很大进步

A state of physical and mental health allows you to take part in exercise comfortably and enjoyably so that it doesn't hurt, so that you can look forward it ,and feel good afterwards.(一种身心健康的状态让人们 轻松愉快的参加体育锻炼 而 不致伤及身体,人们因此乐于锻炼 ,锻炼之后能够开心至极,感觉良好)
if you are feeling down,sports may help pick you up.one review of past sutdies found that long-term exercise, especially when it includes long-lasting,strenuous training sessions, has about as much off an effect on depression as psychotherapy.(如果情绪低落,锻炼能使你振作起来。一份回顾以前研究的报告发现: 长期锻炼,尤其是那些持续时间长,强度高的训练,对于治疗抑郁症几乎同心理治疗法一样有效)
Working out helps you deal with stress in your job, relationships or any area of life -- possibly because exercise is a form of stress itself and helps condition your body to deal with it.(锻炼能帮助人们调节工作,人际关系的压力,乃至生活的任何方面的压力,其原因也许在于锻炼本身就很紧张 它能帮助调节身体来应付压力)
Even a little erercise can make you think less anxiously.Studies have shown that any amount of exercise, form a brisk 10-minute walk to an intense aerobisc o