英语翻译 专业人士进 高分酬谢

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/10 17:53:40
波丘尼(Umberto Boccioni,1882—1916)是意大利画家和雕塑家,未来主义画派的核心人物。他不仅是这个运动的推动者,也是这个运动的杰出理论家。他称得上是位天才的未来主义实验者。那些别出心裁的作品,展示了他在绘画和雕塑领域所取得的独特成就。

他发表了《空间连续的独特形体》 青铜雕像,高110.5厘米,作于1913年,现藏于美国纽约现代艺术博物馆。他提出了组织三度的无形空间的新观点。他说,雕塑家应该有权力把雕像的形式支解和变形,可以采用各种需要的材料来进行创作。这件《空间连续的独特形体》就是他这一艺术观点的代表作之一。作品塑造了一个没有头和手的人形,展示出了人物步行时的连续性。这个昂首阔步的人物,以用青铜雕成的飘然曲面组成,仿佛人体在疾速的前行中向后飘动。曲面的体积没有被实际的人体限制,基本上象是在二度的平面里运动,似乎把绘画的人物转化成了浮雕。波丘尼在创作中采取了动态分析摄影的形式特点,这个形象其实正是站在一定的距离上看到的人的形体的直观感觉,在感性的审美观中是一个十分完整的,有头有手的,正在连续行进中的人的形体。


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Mosaic is a two-dimensional art. But anything from the plane before the development of a more vivid three-dimensional.
Boccioni (Umberto Boccioni ,1882-1916) Italian painter and sculptor, the future is the central figure painting. He is not only the promoters of this movement, this movement is also an outstanding theorist. Be called a genius he is and experimenters of the future. Original works that showcase his paintings and sculptures in the area of the unique achievements made.
He made a "space for the unique physical," bronze statue, 110.5 centimeters high, made in 1913, is hidden in the Museum of Modern Art in New York. He raised three times the invisible organization of the new ideas of space. He said that the sculptor should have the power to dismember the form of statues and deformation, the use of the materials need to create. This "space for the unique physical" is his artistic point of view, one of the representative. Works created a human he