
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/10 23:16:00
在现代市场经济条件下,企业面临的市场环境越来越复杂多变。在复杂多变的市场环境下,企业如何把握好航向,如何积极有效地开展市场营销工作,进行营销决策,这是一个需要认真研究和解决的问题。市场营销观念下的市场营销活动,不仅包括人们常说的4P(即产品、价格、促销、渠道),同时包括了市场调查、新产品开发以及售后服务等许多方面。 市场营销环境指一切影响、制约企业营销活动的因素,这些因素可分为宏现环境(包括人口环境、经济环境、自然环境、技术环境、政治环境和社会文化环境)和微观环境(可细分为企业内部环境、企业的供应者、营销中介、顾客、竞争对手、社会公众)

In the modern market economy condition, the enterprise faces increasingly complex and changeable market environment. In the complex and changeable market environment, enterprise how to grasp how actively heading, effectively develop marketing work, marketing decision, it is a need to study and solve the problems. Marketing concept of marketing activities, including not only the people often said 4ps (i.e. to product, price, promotion and channel), including market survey, new product development and after-sales service, etc. The marketing environment refers to all the influence and restriction enterprise marketing activities of the factors that can be divided into the macroscopic environment (including population environment, economic environment, natural environment, technology environment, the political environment and social culture environment) and microcosmic environment (can be divided into the internal environment, the enterprise marketing agencies, customers, suppliers and c