我先看一下 英文怎么说

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/23 16:22:54

1. 她说:Hi, there, 你说:Hi, there.打个招呼,完毕。

2. 她说:Are you alright there? 你说:Yes. 完毕。

3. 她说:Can I help you? 你说:No,thanks.(I'm just looking.)

4. 他说:How are you today? (How are you doing?)你说:Good.(How are you?/Yourself?/and you?...)

还有很多。。。灵活运用吧。。。别人家问你how are you,你就just looking,感觉怕人家逼你买东西一样,放松。easy...man...还有人家是不会像国内看贼一样跟着你的。

在国外,口语一般都是这么说的 : just looking!
当店员过来招呼的时候,就轻轻地笑着这么说,她们也会礼貌地点点头,笑着回一句:"sure!" ,就走开,不再打搅你。。。等你真需要帮忙时,再去找她们就行了。

. 好的,我先看一下有没有座位。
Well, let me see if there is any seat available.
May I have a look at the samples first?
Of course, er.., let me check the bus schedule first.

i just have a look first, if i need anything would let you know later, thank you.

i just wanna have a look, wait for me a couple of minutes ,i will be asking you questions

Let me have a look ,please!