
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/18 02:43:39

话题1:Talking about future plans.


话题2,Talking about grocery shopping


话题3,Asking for and giving advice



1:hey,long time no see.what has been you up to ?
2:oh,i'm looking for jobs.you konw i'll be graduated .
1.so,what job do you want to get ?
2:well,i really have no idea.finding a job is not so easy .
1.come on,tell me what you like to do,let me help you.
2.well,thanks.i've got problems on job with my paents.they hope me to work in the bank,so they insisted on my majoring in finance.but ,you know ,i really don't have interest in that.my dream work is running a restaurant,cooking for my customers.that is so nice.what do you think.
1.sounds like perfect.but have you told you parents that before?i really yhink it's necessary to tell them what you really want.
2.yeah,i know.i will.but,it would be difficulty.but i will try and never give up.
1.That's right ,and i will always stand by you side .
2.it's so kind of you.thanks.well,what will you do after graduated?have something interesting?
1.yeah,i've got a jo